Sports Medicine Acupuncture
Optimal physical function, faster recovery and pain management with acupuncture
Acupuncture and dry needling is gaining popularity as a valuable modality in sports performance and sports medicine. At Statera Acupuncture and Wellness, we are trained in sports specific modalities that includes motor point acupuncture, dry needling cupping and gua sha.
Here are some ways that you can benefit from acupuncture treatments and support your active lifestyle:
Acupuncture addresses both the physical and mental aspects that contribute to success in your sport. By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture can optimize strength, endurance and coordination. In addition, it helps reduce anxiety and improve mental focus in order to achieve a state of concentration
If you experience an injury or have chronic, nagging pain, acupuncture can assist you with the process. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow to injured areas, accelerates tissue repair and reduces swelling, resulting in quicker and more effective recovery.
The use of acupuncture and dry needling is a wonderful way to decrease pain. Acupuncture releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, providing relief and addressing the factors contributing to pain. In addition, motor point and trigger point acupuncture, along with dry needling, can benefit the underlying causes of pain and inflammation.
Optimal recovery is vital in order to prevent injury and maintain performance. Acupuncture improves circulation and reduces inflammation, which facilitates tissue repair. In addition, acupuncture has a wonderful effect on muscle tension, improving sleep and increasing energy.
At your appointment, we will conduct muscle testing to identify inhibitions and identity goals when it comes to activity and sports performance. Appointments will often include dry needling, cupping and gua sha. Learn more about those modalities below: