Acupuncture is a pillar of Eastern Medicine and one of the oldest healing modalities in the world. It activates our body’s self-healing mechanism, finding the root causes of our imbalances. We have hundreds of points of the body, called acupuncture points, each with various functions. We use these points along pathways of the body to communicate with the brain, body systems, organs and tissues.
How It Works
Releases feel-good hormones like endorphins and oxytocin (responsible for pain relief, improved mood, and increased awareness)
Decreases inflammation and relaxes muscle tension
Supports the immune system by increasing the amount of red and white blood cells and T-cells
Activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping the body relax and destress
Increases circulation through blood vessel dilation, resulting in more oxygen and nutrients being brought to the area
What To Expect At Your Appointment
At your first appointment, we will review your intake forms thoroughly. We will ask you to explain details and get a full overview of symptoms.
We look at full body health, which includes asking questions about your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. We will then begin your treatment, which will usually consist of needles being retained for around 30 minutes (this varies depending on what we are working on).
You will receive forms to fill out online via email prior to your first appointment and will set up your online patient account. Prior to treatment, we recommend eating a light snack, staying hydrated, and avoiding caffeine. If possible, wear loose fitted clothing that can be rolled up. We will also have linens to drape you if you need to remove any clothing.
It is okay to carry on with your daily activities after treatment. You can exercise, but we recommend taking it easy. It is also important to stay well hydrated post treatment.
The needles are single use, stainless steel, sterile and disposable. They are very thin and easily able to pass through the skin. You may feel a slight distention, pressure, or nothing at all with the insertion. Oftentimes, patients are surprised at how comfortable and relaxed they feel.
The number of treatments depends on how long your condition has been occurring, your lifestyle habits, and any underlying causes you may have. Acupuncture is cumulative and the frequency of treatments varies. We recommend a plan that will provide you with the fastest results. This usually means we start with once or twice per week and then increase the time in between treatments as you see results.
We may use a variety of modalities in your treatment. These could include electrical stimulation, cupping, gua sha and auricular therapy. In addition, we may suggest supplements and herbal recommendations with your treatment plan.
Pricing for Treatment
A full intake and first treatment for new patients. Includes in-depth treatment plan PDF and recommendations.
For existing patients. Package options available.
Package of 5 Appointments
Package of 10 Appointments
Package of 15 Appointments